Welcome to FOGCCAS

Friends of the Globe Climate Change Adaptation Summit 2024

About Us

Friends of the globe climate action adaptation society ltd an affiliate of fouccas society Kenya was incorporated as a non profit making cooperation in Indiana polis state at the united states of America on 3rd June 2024 and acquired an international organization status that enables the organization to work on climate change and global warming adaptation programs locally and international.


Our misson is to bring people from all over the world together, those working in government and non governmental organisation and the private sector to work towards climate change and global warming resilience and adaptation in a 3 day summit with technical innovations exhibited in an expo and also have activities beyond the board room which include tree planting activities, Agro Tourism activities in a coffee farm, tea farm, a flower farm, Smart farming model farm and a milk possessing firm to not only learn new agricultural incentives but also have a magical experience of Kenya as a hub of agriculture

We intend to engage participants on discussions around specific areas and explore Adaptation solutions and Strategies on these Thematic areas:

  • Air Quality
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Ecosystem Protection
  • Wildlife Protection
  • Energy
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Policies and Planning
  • Public Health
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Transportation
  • Water Management



Champion for adaptation solutions and strategies on climate change and global warming across the globe


Develop a platiform to sustain a continuous conversation on climate change and global warming and develop sustainable solutions


Having summits, conferences and Expo trying to bring friends of the globe together to have engagement and discussions around the UNSDGs agenda 13 , and come up with resolutions and recommendations to be adopted by the society and it's members and also share the resolution with representatives of Governments, the UN, Europe union, Africa union for consideration during High level climate change and global warming engagement

Call To Action

We have resolved to have our summit in Nairobi on 21st - 24th August 2024 and the preparation is in high gear

Apply Here


Become a member of FOGCCAS

We welcome you to be a climate change adaptation ambassador of fogccas society, by signing up our membership form and agreeing with our rules and regulations as stipulated in the organisation constitution. By filling this form you commit to be a part of the friends of the globe climate change adaptation society and will be able to access all benefits and privileges that pertain to our membership. More information on the membership will be sent to your email upon completion of the application form.


We are reaching out to potential partners like you to join us in this endeavour. We have four sponsorship packages, to support a platform that will sustain a dialogue around UNSDG 13 and sponsoring participants from marginalized groups, youth, women, and persons with special abilities with the intention of giving them a space at the table.



  • Brand publicity and sensitization
  • Trade mark and organizations visibility during our social media campaign.
  • Opportunity to participate in our webinars.
  • Increase on rating on environmental social and Govenance (ESC).
  • Shared branding on marchandise between our organization and your organization.



  • Brand publicity and sensitization.
  • Trade mark and organizations visibility during our social media campaign.
  • Opportunity to participate in our webinars.
  • Increase on rating on environmental social and Govenance (ESC).
  • Shared branding on marchandise between our organization and your organization.



  • Brand publicity and sensitization.
  • Trade mark and organizations visibility during our social media campaign.
  • Opportunity to have a presentation session during our summit.
  • Increase on rating on environmental social and Govenance (ESC).
  • Shared branding on marchandise between our organization and your organization.
  • Opportunity to get 3 participants on partial Brandfunded slot during the summit.
  • An opportunity to showcase products and services during the summit on expo.

Event Schedule

The Friends of the Globe Climate Action Adaptation summit Nairobi 2024 is a proposed summit on 21st - 24th August 2024 by a consortium of organisations and persons from across the globe brought together through the networks established during various global engagement in conferences, summits and expo like the Africa Climate Summit, the global peace chain summits, the ulead Summits the youth connect summit,UNEA among many others. These friends establishished a association Named the friends of the globe climate action adaptation society (FOGCAAS) and agreed to have the headquaters in Nairobi and chapters across the world, Members have diverse professional backgrounds and united by passion for climate change, In amplifying SDG 13 advocacy and engagement, there was recognized need for workable solutions and an adaptation discourse towards climate change collaboration by individual, non government organisation and government agencies. It is through candid discussions with leaders and delegates that we can promote climate resilience and adaptation solutions.

Arrival day

Delegates checking in at the hotel.

Registration, badges collection and marchandise issuance.

Welcome coffee

Opening session

-Welcome speech by the Founder/Patron FOGCCAS.

-A welcome speech by a rep of Kenya government

-Acknowledgement and speeches by partners reps présent

-Orientation and introduction of the summit session by the Executive Director FOGCCAS


Dress code: Official


Introduction to the 5 thematic areas of discussion;

* Air Quality

* Critical Infrastructure

* Ecosystem Protection

* Energy

* Food and Agriculture

Split into groups discussion and engagements

Tea break

Groups discussion submissions and presentation

Lunch break

Panel discussion on 5 thematic area

Lunch breaK

Expert's training session

Coffee break

Visit at the Nairobi national park ( game drive)


Dress code: Traditional attire NB. come with your National table flag and big flag


Introduction of the other 5 thematic areas;

* Policies and Planning

* Public Health

* Solid Waste Management

* Transportation

* Water Management.

Split into groups discussion for engagement and deliberation

Tea break


Panel discussion

*Diplomatic panel and their role and support on adaptation solutions and strategies

*Youth in leadership and their role in climate change adaptation

*Civil society involvement of climate Justice.

Lunch break

Presentation of adaptation project by delegates

Panels discussion government role in support adaptation solutions and strategies.

The role of the united nation and the NGO word on adaptation and Resilience

The role of the private sector on sustainable development and adaptation programs.

Coffee break

Presentation of the summit resolution to the representatives of the united Nations, Africa union, European union and reps of government present.

Arrangements and orientation on day 3 activities

Entertainment( Kairos fatura) and cocktail party

Dress code: Casual with Summit T-shirt


Assembly at the car yard ready for transportation.

Activity 1

Tree planting activity at 5 primary schools 5 groups to have the exercise in different schools.

Activity 2

Agro Tourism activities

The five group to choose to Visit either:

1. A Flower farm

2. A Coffee farm

3. A Tea farm and factory

4. A Smart farm greenhouse

5. A Milk possessing firm

NB: Every team will be provided with water, snacks and soft drinks to have during the activities.

Teams to be back in the hotel by 4pm to refresh and get ready for the summit closure


Gala night and awards presentation (Dress code official)

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

Verona Hotel & Conference Center, Nairobi

Verona Hotel and Conference Center is a modern state of the art facility located along Thika Super Highway Exit 12 in Ruiru, Nairobi


What they are saying about us

This is an amazing platform to promote Agro Tourism and the mice and I support this initiative

Hon. Gathoni Wamuchomba

HSC Mp Chair Constitution implementation committee national assembly

We the young leaders have an opportunity to be change makers through working together to champion sustainable development

Ms. Jenifer Waruingi

Miss president Lamu and president KYO

Everyone has a role in the society to ensure that we are responsible to protecting our environment

Rev Dr Stanley Ngure

Overseas and presiding Bishop Deliverance Church Theta

By believing and being good examples to others we can encourage others to change

PST Ronald Mwangi

DC Theta

We support this initiative because it's bringing impact to the society and to our communities

Mercy Maasai

Communication enthusiast and CEO Mercy Maasai foundation

FAQ for the Friends of the Globe Climate Change Adaptation Summit 2024:

The Friends of the Globe Climate Change Adaptation Summit (FGCCA) is a proposed summit organized by a consortium of global organizations and individuals. It aims to bring together stakeholders from governmental and non-governmental sectors to address climate change challenges and promote resilience and adaptation.

The primary objective of the FGCCA Summit is to facilitate practical discussions and explore adaptation strategies across various thematic areas, including but not limited to air quality, critical infrastructure, ecosystem protection, and public health.

The summit will be held on 21st - 24th August 2024 at Verona hotel located along the thika road super High at exit 13 in a state of the art Mall with a 4 start hotel UN accredited with a comprehensive shopping facility, heated swimming pool, modern gim , Sauna and a modern entertainment facility, serving modern to exotic delicacies and in full view of the abadare ranges, the tigoni ridge's, the mua , ngong ,Kilimabogo hills and 20 minutes from the city center and 30 minutes from the jomo Kenyatta international airport.

The FGCCA Summit welcomes participation from individuals, organizations, and government agencies globally, all united by a shared commitment to addressing climate change and promoting adaptation solutions.

The theme of the FGCCA Summit is "Working towards achieving threshold capacity, coping capacity, recovery capacity, adaptive capacity, and transformation capacity" in the face of climate change challenges.

The FGCCA Summit emphasizes the importance of adaptation to climate change and highlights the urgency of implementing practical solutions to mitigate its impacts on various sectors, including agriculture, transportation, and energy.

Following the three-day summit, organizations will collaborate to produce a joint report containing resolutions, which will be presented to representatives of governments, the United Nations, the European Union, and the African Union for ratification and implementation recommendations.

The discussions at the FGCCA Summit will revolve around the six universal Principles of Adaptation and Resilience, along with 26 concrete actions that governments can implement to develop effective adaptation strategies.

To register for the FGCCA Summit, please visit our official website Link Here and follow the registration instructions.

The registration fee for the FGCCA Summit is 25$.

We appreciate your interest in presenting at the FGCCA Summit, please contact the summit organizers (contact information) for any inquiries regarding late submissions or future presentation opportunities.

If you have any further questions or need assistance regarding the FGCCA Summit, please don't hesitate to contact our summit organizers



Spur Mall Kimbo Ruiru along Thika Super Highway exit 13




P.O Box 1471- 00232

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